Student Evaluation
ESI 4244 Design of Experiment Fall 2023
"Excellent understanding of material and facilitation of learning"
"I would like to express that Lohidhar has been the best TA I've ever had at USF. His support extends beyond the classroom, as he has been exceptionally helpful outside class hours. Lohidhar has a unique ability to explain complex subjects in a clear and concise manner, making the material more accessible to students. His guidance on what to focus on for exams has been particularly valuable, contributing significantly to my understanding and success in the course."
"I was having a lot of troubles to apply the class knowledge on Excel but Lohidhar helped me a lot with this questions. He had a lot of tips and great skills to share on that. Also, when going over the past quizzes he facilitate a lot my learning process."
"I like how “human” they were when helping students out."
"Had multiple times where errors were being taught and had to be later corrected"
"An Ideal TA is one that can facilitate learning when there is a slight disconnect between course content and the student. I believe Lodhidar was able to bridge that gap and strengthen my weakness during the DOE course and I commend him for that!"
"Provide and explain more examples"
"He was very responsive through emails and always took the time to make sure we understood the materials during recitation sessions. He was a great TA overall."
"Very patient and understanding, he would answer any questions we had, and go over class material when asked."
"You were an awesome TA in all courses"
Description of Course Objectives & Assignments

How clear and fair were the TA's corrections and feedback on exams and assignments?
How timely and helpful were the TA's responses to emails and queries

Overall Rating for the Teaching Assistant
Was the TA readily available for help and discussions outside of class?

EIN 5350 Technology and Finance
"Very helpful to learn the course and shares the knowledge on various aspects of the course"
"The TA covered the classes where the professor could not make it. He was very clear in explaining the concepts that were supposed to be taught by the professor. He was always available for students."
"Lohidhar has been very helpful for our course, and has done a great leading sessions when necessary."
"Lohidhar has been great for the class and helps out as much as possible!"
"Calm & Composed", "Very interactive and engaging session", "Very good TA"
Description of Course Objectives & Assignments

How timely and helpful were the TA's responses to emails and queries

Was the TA readily available for help and discussions outside of class?*
Rate the effectiveness of the TA in helping you understand the course content.

How clear and fair were the TA's corrections and feedback on exams and assignments?
How supported did you feel by the TA during the course?*